You must have an in-depth understanding of the data layout when rewriting those parts of the source code that are implemented in assembler. 要重新编写在汇编程序中实现的源代码的各个部分时,您必须对数据布局有深刻的理解。
Reuse can be possible by using subforms if the data layout is conducive to it. 如果数据布局支持重用,则可以通过使用子表单实现重用。
There are methods in the class that get called back to feed both data and layout information to the table view. 类中有一些方法可以被回调,以便向表视图提供数据和布局信息。
While the policy files in the two systems may appear somewhat different, the same data layout and cash registering program is used in both systems. 虽然两个系统中的策略文件可能显得有些不同,但是两个系统中使用了相同的数据布局和收银系统。
Reports are based on a report definition, an XML file that describes data and layout. 报表基于报表定义,它是一个说明数据和布局的xml文件。
Because the report server processes report definitions in the same way regardless of the server mode you use, the report data and layout is unaffected by server mode. 因为无论使用何种服务器模式,报表服务器均以相同方式处理报表定义,因此报表数据和布局不受服务器模式的影响。
Use this option to switch between the three report designer tabs: data, layout and preview. 使用此选项可在以下三个报表设计器选项卡之间切换:数据、布局和预览。
Model of automatic data layout optimization on distributed memory parallel computers 分布存储并行机上的自动数据布局优化模型
At the same time, this paper analysis the causes of which the number of remote storage nodes, the protocol of network storage and data Layout mode influence system performance in direction of network load. 同时,以网络负载的角度分析了远程存储节点数、网络存储协议和数据布局方式影响系统性能的内在原因。
The VOD data layout is tightly correlated with the service strategy. VOD服务策略和数据布局方案设计是紧密相关的。
Application of Sub-RAID Data Layout for Network Storage System 子阵列数据布局方法在网络存储中的应用
Architecture and Data Layout of Network Based Disk Arrays 网络磁盘阵列结构和数据布局研究
An Efficient Algorithm for Discovering Association Rules Based on Vertical Data Layout 基于垂直数据分布的关联规则高效发现算法
Data Layout of Network Based RAID 网络RAID布局研究
A Study on Two-level Networked Stripe Data Layout and Its Implementation 二级网络条纹数据布局及其相关问题的研究
And then, this paper discusses three key problems those are theme and data layout and data integration. 在此基础上,探讨了在海洋环境数据仓库建设过程中主题抽取、数据规划和数据提取三个关键问题;
The quality of data layout greatly affects the performance of applications on distributed memory parallel computers. 在分布式并行机上,数据布局的质量极大的影响着应用程序的执行性能。
The Application of Data Layout Processing in Artificial Neural Networks 数据规划处理在人工神经网络中的应用
Data Layout of Logistic Evolution Storage System 逻辑进化存储系统的数据分布
The third chapter focuses on the optimization of geometry data layout during preprocessing, including vertex layout optimization of shapes ( specially for GPU vertex cache), and inter-shape layout optimization ( specially for the internal and external caching strategy). 第三章则专门介绍预处理阶段的层次场景结构中的数据布局优化,包括在几何体内部项点布局优化(针对GPU缓存优化)和几何体之间的布局优化(针对磁盘主存的缓存策略)。
The characteristics of the ideal storage system are showed in two ways: data layout and the architecture of the storage system. 具体来说,目前国内外相关研究工作的重点是从存储系统的数据布局和体系结构两个方面出发,向理想存储系统的标准靠近。
In order to change the status that storage system can not adapt to dynamic workloads, The paper introduced a new concept of logistic evolution storage system and design a data layout which can make transformation among varies RAID levels easy. 针对现有存储系统不能很好的动态适应工作负载变化情况,本文提出了逻辑进化存储系统的概念,由此设计了一种适合不同磁盘阵列(RAID)之间动态转换的数据分布策略。
Previous research efforts on the optimization of data layout usually divide the optimization into data alignment optimization and data distribution optimization, and only one dimensional data layout is studied for their combination. 以往的研究一般将自动数据布局优化问题近似分解为数据对准优化和数据分布优化两步来解决,且对两者的结合只研究了一维的情况。
A construction method for optimal redundancy double-erasure-correcting data layout based on perfect 1-factorization was also presented. 并给出了一种基于完全图的完全1-因子分解的full-2码最优冗余双容错数据布局构造方法。
This dissertation put forward to a new multi-erasures-correcting data layout: the Two-level Networked Stripe ( TNS). 本文提出了二级网络条纹(TNS:Two-LevelNetworkedStripe)多容错数据布局方法。
According to the strategy of data layout, ( m, k) model can be used in data recovery, named ( m, k) Recovery Technique. 根据数据布局策略,能够实现(m,k)数据恢复法。
Motivated by this consideration, this thesis outlines a data layout optimization framework. A variable relation model based on reuse distance signature is used to find variables that are often accessed together in the framework. 根据这个原理,本文设计并实现了一个数据布局优化框架,在框架中采用了一种基于复用距离分布的变量关系模型,用于寻找程序中经常在一起访问的变量。
According to the characteristics of the data layout of erasure codes, we design amass storage system infrastructure with low redundancy and high reliability. 根据编码冗余策略数据布局的特点,设计了一种低冗余度高可靠性海量数据存储系统基础架构。
After analyzing the data access characteristics of LSB, we present a Segmental Hybrid Data Layout ( SHDL) scheme to be used in multi-node video servers. 本文在分析LSB策略数据访问特性的基础上,提出了多节点视频服务器中的分段混合数据布局方案SHDL。
The uneven development of the disk capacity, performance and reliability indicates that the traditional disk array data layout is unable to meet the performance and re-liability requirements simultaneously. 磁盘容量、性能和可靠性的不平衡发展导致传统的磁盘阵列数据布局方式不能够满足用户对磁盘阵列性能和可靠性的需求。